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There are many different components
that make up the umbrella group of the ACW in the diocese,
providing varied programs or services.   
Altar & Chancel Guild


The Diocesan Altar and Chancel Guild is an independent group, loosely affiliated with Anglican Church Women, for communication purposes. They offer support and assistance to Parish Altar and Chancel Guilds.  A yearly Annual General Meeting takes place in the fall.  The Altar and Chancel Guild is responsible for the care of the Sanctuary in the Parishes.

Altar Guild President: Debbie Tweedle  613-723-2680

                                                       dtweedle @ rogers . com
Treasurer: Sandra Clark

Recording Secretary: Ellie Young


Canadian Church Calendars


2020:   New changes


ACW wants to encourage every Christian household to have a church calendar.


The ordering and distribution of calendars originally was a project of the Diocesan ACW. In 2015 coordination was taken over by St Mark's (Ottawa) Mothers' Union.


In 2020, with the Covid-19 pandemic closing churches, the possibility of no on-site Synod, and a new ordering and mailing method, it was noted that most parish orders would be cheaper with direct ordering and direct delivery from the printer.    


Parishes would still place orders in early spring, pay directly and have their calendars delivered directly to the church in August.  


This was the format for 2020, with a few smaller parish orders being added to St Mark's order. 



former Calendar Secretary - St Mark's Ottawa

Cynthia Greer    613-723-2680  

greercynthia69 @ yahoo . com




Canadian & Overseas Missions / Bales: 


2021:    End of an Era

This was an historic outreach program that closed in 2021. People throughout the Diocese came together to send warm clothes and household linens to 8 or 9 northern parishes every spring.  Costs in the North are very high, for food as well as for dry goods.  The ACW in Ottawa would buy clothing, household items, blankets or snowsuits on sale in January, we would then send these new items and dried goods to support families, so that they would have enough money left over for food.  Items were sent  to the churches, where the minister could keep some for new baby layettes, and other items of need.  The church women’s groups often held a community sale with the bulk of the donations. This enabled them to raise money to heat the church, and benefit the community with a source of affordable dry goods. 


See Bales for the North section




Prayer Partners


In the early days of its existence one of the functions of the then called WA (Women’s Auxiliary), was to support missionaries at home in Canada and abroad. They did this financially by contributing to their stipends, and they also formed a very strong supportive Prayer Structure, by which a missionary was paired with a WA group. This union was called “Prayer Partners.” This union has continued, but in a much less formal way. The now ACW (Anglican Church Women) is no longer responsible for the stipend, and there are considerably fewer official missionaries at home and abroad. We still support people in this type of union, but in a much less formal manner. Any ACW group that wishes a prayer partner can contact the ACW Prayer Partner Secretary, Alix Delahaye. These partners can be clergy, missionaries, or ACW groups in Northern Canada. We still function but in a different way.

Prayer Partner Information:

Marni Crossley    613-2345833   

                        crossley_72 @

© 2021 by Anglican Church Women - Ottawa Diocese                                                                                                                              created with

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