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May 13, 2015

St Mark's Pakenham

a little bit of history

ACW ... what's in a name?


On April 21st 1885, Mrs. Roberta E. Tilton and several other women approached the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society in Ottawa, to help out with missionary work.  They were given permission to form the Woman's Auxiliary to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada.

And so the Woman's Auxiliary – WA - was formed, and the first official Board was set in motion. Branches soon began to spring up in parishes, throughout Canada.

One of their first ministries was missionary work, such as sending bales to the North. Ottawa's ACW involvement with the North still continues today. 

In the early history of the Diocese, the women of the church had various group names, depending on their focus within their individual parishes. ...... guilds, circles, Dorcas, Mothers' Union, and the Woman's Auxiliary

In 1966, the WA was amalgamated with other women's ministries such as Mothers’ Union, and Chancel Guild to come under the umbrella of Anglican Church Women - ACW.

What's in a name?

Lots! As well as being interested in the missionary element, we include all the women of the Church, of all ages and interests. Because we all have gifts which we can share, whether they be music, choirs, teaching, taking our full part in the service and work of the Church, having fun, going to plays, taking trips, having picnics — we are not as stuffy as our initials might suggest. 


Our Histories, Our Hearts ...

the story of the Anglican WA and ACW, and their contributions to

the church and to Canada since 1870. 


To see a snippet of that history go to  

Copies of Our Histories, Our Hearts  DVD are available for a donation of $20, which includes shipping and handling.  


The Ottawa Diocesan ACW,

71 Bronson Avenue,

Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G6.


Please mark on the envelope

"Our Histories, Our Hearts DVD"


For more information contact

Leslie Worden   613-747-2197


Produced by the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa ACW and Naklik Productions Inc. © 2007


© 2021 by Anglican Church Women - Ottawa Diocese                                                                                                                              created with

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