Anglican Church Women
Diocese of Ottawa
Traditional ACW Prayer
Almighty God, our heavenly Father,
who did send Your blessed Son into the world
to become the Saviour of mankind,
grant to us a deep sense of gratitude
for your grace and mercy towards us.
Enable us by Your Spirit to reveal Your love
in prayer and work and stewardship,
so that Your salvation
may become known to all peoples
and Your name glorified throughout all the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord
National Prayer
Anglican Church Women of Canada
(adopted 2010)
Almighty God,
we pray for your blessing and grace
on our work and witness
as Anglican Church Women in Canada.
We give you thanks and praise
for giving us wisdom,
knowledge and understanding
so that we may serve you
in spirit and in truth.
Called to be your church,
may our study, learning, worship and service
be always to your glory
and the building of your kingdom
in our communities and throughout the world.
In our ministry may we always respond
to the needs of others with your love.
We pray in the name of the One
who redeemed and loves us,
your Son, Jesus our Saviour